The Ultimate Hunter's Horizontal Pin MAG

The Ultimate Hunter's Horizontal Pin MAG
Options… Everyone loves options or they have a particular preference that they’ve grown to love. When it comes to Dialed MAG (scope housing) options, we want to provide our customers with all of the pin configurations, so they can enjoy their preferred setup.
The tough part about making those goals reality is that it all takes development, which includes researching, testing, designing and engineering. All of this costs money, and we’re not talking a few hundred dollars. As a blue collar, American owned and operated company - we don’t have deep pockets to reach into and develop all of these ideas all at once. 
When we launched Dialed Archery, we started with the fixed vertical pin MAG (V-Series), this is offered in a 1V and the 3V option. From the beginning, we knew a horizontal pin MAG is also needed, but patience was put on that development as we honed in on the products launched for the ARXOS sights. Once the ideas for PRÜF started flowing, we all agreed it was time to also bring Dialed users a movable pin MAG for those who have been asking for it.
The H-Series was born - MAG-3H and MAG-5H
Our goal was to create a robust horizontal pin MAG that is sturdy, easily operated and weighs nearly the same as the V-Series. Starting with the build quality, the MAG is machined from 6061 aluminum and protects the pins with no cutouts. The pins are machined from 7075 aluminum and have extra thickness to give them the rigidity we want to uphold within the PRÜF Mover Sight lineup. Now, touching on the operation… The top of the H-Series MAG is identical to our proven V-Series, allowing for swapping Optic Slides and Optic Lights with ease. The horizontal pins are all independently macro-adjustable and give you easy control of where you'd like them set within the sight picture. Lastly, the weight of the H-Series MAG was important to us - we didn't want the weight to jump drastically when compared to our V-Series MAGs, that way the sight doesn't feel front heavy for those running the horizontal pin MAGs. There's only a 0.3 oz difference between the MAG-3V and the MAG-3H. 
Whether you are a horizontal or vertical pin user, Dialed Archery has a MAG for you. As always, if you have specific questions, reach out to Isaiah or Scott at

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